Charlotte Edwards


Showing your colleagues a little about how SEO can help them in their work can work wonders for how SEO is valued in your organisation.

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About Charlotte

Charlotte has come a long way since she started working as a temp at the London-based international affairs think tank Chatham House six years ago. 

She joined after working as a directory publisher and now is responsible for the organisation’s SEO, with the support of digital agency Torchbox.

As well as driving traffic to its research, she reports on SEO statistics to senior staff at a weekly meeting.

One of her favourite stats? Annual sessions on the Chatham House website have increased by more than 50 percent since she started. Here, she tells us a little about how she did that.


How to SEO at a not-for-profit

...Once the experts got the idea that these SEO statistics were interesting, they wanted more of them. And then they realised that organic search was a good thing – and it would benefit them to be working with our content team on SEO. All of this evangelism has really paid off because now I present to an audience, including senior members of staff, every week – and they ask questions about how we’re performing."


Ben Johnson


Dimitris Drakatos